It is has sure been a while!! This is Karver on our camping trip that we took with Bonnie Mikey and family! It was really fun and karver loves to be outside so it was perfect for him!!
Guess what i did!??? I GRADUATED!!! I guess Jeremy thinks I am the party! :) The graduation cap that I am wearing is actually the cap from my High School! It was alot of fun taking pictures with my family! My mom was soo wonderful to take pictures for us! :)
The next few pictures were from a trip to the park with my family! Jeremy climped a SUPER HUGE HILL!!! or tiny climping wall! I got on the ground to see if it would look like he was on a crazy cliff!! you decide :)
Daddy and karver down the slide!!
mom and chubby at the park

Another exciting thing has happened since I have written!! KARVER TURNED ONE!! :) He is now our big boy!! We celebrated with a lego party! Jeremy's favorite things growing up were lego's as most boys! So we decided to throw him a lego party! I made him a lego cake, and we ate cup cakes with candy legos on top. We had a lego builing competition, and we let karver decide! He walked directly to Jeremy's masterpiece! We also sang happy birthday in three languages! Chinese, English and Sign language!

He didnt really love the idea of jumping into eating the cake!! oh well! He likes to be clean thats not a bad thing!

mom and chubby at the park


He didnt really love the idea of jumping into eating the cake!! oh well! He likes to be clean thats not a bad thing!
The PARTY was a Perfect Joy to attend and be part of. We loved everything except the ubiquitous Spiders. The family, the food, the fun, and the faces of smiling happy Karver-loving People.
Thanks for inviting us and making us feel a part of a Great Event..
Grandpa and Grandma Johnson
Happy Birthday Carver! I can't believe he is already a year old! Congratulations on graduating we are realy happy for you!
Happy Birthday Carver! One? That is pretty crazy!
that post was sooooo wonderful!!!!! I love you guys and reading your post is almost as good as being there, but not quite. I told Morgan that I wished I could have been there in that crowded car heading towards Karver's party!!! I just read my best friend's blog right before yours, (the one that just lost her two-year-old) and I cried as I read her entry today and then I went to your entry and was so blessed to see all the wonderful memories made at Karver's first birthday. Hug him once for me!!! Or maybe three times!
P.S. My favorite picture is the one where Jeremy is looking so adoringly at you in your graduation cap... you are such a CUTE couple!!!!!!!
That party was adorable! What a creative idea--and super-cute cake. I love it! I hope you two are doing well!
so I was laughing so hard when I watched the video of Karver with his COMPLETELY opposite of Adalynn.. haha.. she totally dug in, face, hands, everything and ate and ate and ate until she couldn't eat anymore. Good for Karver though, doesn't like to be messy. What a darling idea for a birthday party. Way to go! oh, and we miss you guys
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