
Friday, September 25, 2009

WOW 3 blogs in one hour!! :) just catching up!

Karver was really lucky one day when i was making treats!! Jeremy wasnt home to lick the spoon, so i let karver do it!! Only, he didnt realize that licking the spoon only means you get what is on the spoon, he cried and cried when it was alll cleaned up! Jeremy does the same thing! :)

Karver is doing great walking, but every once in a while he falls, probably once or twice a day, and he hits his head in the EXACT same spot all the time! poor boy!! this picture was taking after he fell on the cement outside our house! He falls in the mall, at the park , in the kitchen, at church, in our neighborhood, needless to say i get scarred whenever he gets excited and starts to run, i see his little feet start to move faster and faster, and think OH NO!!!! 100% of the time he will fall when he gets too excited, but i cant seriously tell my 16 month old not to get excited RIGHT??!?!!
p.s. just yesterday he was crawling up our cement stairs in the front of our house, and he rammed his face into the stair infront of him, he now as a nice black eye to go with his goose egg!! I pray people dont call child services on me! :(
This is a picture of one of my recent couponing trips!! I know i am a nerd, but i love it!! i got all this for just under 15 dallors, and this was not even my best trip! It was just the only one that i took a picture of!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE couponing!! it is alot of fun and it has a great reward!!

okay, so we do have our new house!! SUPER FUN!!! we absolutely love love love it!! as well as we LOVE LOVE LOVE logan!! it is beautiful here! I will take pictures soon and send them out, you will all want to move here and we will live happily ever after! :) anyway!! I dont have many pictures of the new home YET, but i do have a fun pic of our new washer and dryer! Karver LOVes IT!! he just watches it all day! hahhahaha and because of this i do more laundry than i need to!! i just think it is soo cute, he looks in the window and sais WOW!!! over and over!!


Anonymous said...

It is fun catching up with you guys! That is awesome you guys just moved to Logan, that was one place we were hoping to end up in Utah. We are in South Salt Lake. We should meet and do something fun together sometime (like a playdate or something). That is awesome you finished school!!! I'm jealous, but thankfully I'll be done in November. I can't believe how BLONDE Karver is, he is so stinkin cute! And I LOVE seeing things people get couponing, it gives me the drive to continue on with it.

Katie!! said...

karver is sooooo cute!! you are such a good mommy! :)

Mike and Kaci said...

Great job on the couponing! Karver is getting soooo big! I can't believe it!

Sheila Fish said...

Whew so many comments, where to start? I loved the post about your day backwards.. it looks suspiciously a lot like days Addy and I have. 2. Camping looks like so much fun. I would say we should go camping one weekend, but if Utah weather is like Idaho weather, that just will not work. 3. I am rather jealous of your nice washer and dryer. I, like Karver, would just stand and say WOW!! 4. That is so sad that Karver hits his head the same place every time he falls! That's insane! haha.. Addy walks now, but she's so unsteady that I too get very nervous every time she gets excited because that means she will be falling in the next 15 seconds.. 5. I am so excited for your new house! I am seriously thinking about making a trip to Utah to see various people, so maybe we can get together! 6. Good work with your couponing!!

Camie and Beau said...

RUTH!!! YOU ARE SO CUTE! I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG! I want to move to Logan!!! HAHA! All in good time! Anyhow...I am 14 weeks now...CRAZY! I hope I am a good mommy like you! Love ya!