
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just an update~!

Okay, an update real quick before my husband and my son wake up! WHAT?? i'm awake before those two?? Well, no it is 2:06 in the afternoon and they are taking a nap! WHAT?? A NAP??? shouldn't jeremy be at work?? Well, let me update you!

Dont worry Jeremy still has his job!

I headed out this morning to do some grocery shopping (only the begining for my busy day of driving around... or so i thought). I shopped a little longer than i should have and karver was SICK of being there, every time the door was in sight he would yell BYE BYE BYE BYE!! haha FINALLy we headed out those doors and went BYE BYE! or not.... My beautiful blue saturn that i have had since my sophmore year of highschool wouldnt start. Now we have just moved here, i have no #'s to call! I called jeremy and told him the news. We had to wait at the store for almost 1 1/2 hours for jeremy to come home from work because he was delivering a job about an hour away. Needless to say Karver was NOT happy when we walked back into the store he so despritly wanted to leave in the first place! With karver SCREAMING for nearly an hour, and many simpathy looks from costumers and workers alike, I was beginning to break down! I'm pregnant and emotional, my son is FREAKING out in the middle of the store and did i mention that karver was sick yesterday with a high fever, well just my luck, it was coming back! Tears filled my eyes when i thought of sitting her for an hour then i thought, "Come what may and love it!" So i tried to LOVE my 20 month old fever stricken son screaming in the middle of the super market for over an hour, i tried to LOVE the fact that my car and just broke down and i needed to wait an hour or more for my husband to come..... I tried to LOVE the glares i was getting from all the people walking by, for some reason, i couldnt... I prayed!! HELP!! Then..... i did it! I DID LOVE IT!! I loved karver even though he was crying... I Loved that he was in my life! I loved that I had money to go to grocery store, I LOVED that my husband had a job at all a good job he loved and payed him good... .... I LOVED IT !! With a smile on my face i greeted the people that walked by me in the store! With love in my heart i held my sick son and let him blow snot on my shoulder.. and with EXTREME JOY I huged my husband when he reached the grocery store.

So that is why Jeremy is now home taking a nap, when he should be at work! Because he loves me.... He has a job that he can work around so he can care for me.... we have not yet decided what to do with the car, but Karver is feeling better and asleep! AND I LOVE IT!!!


Johnson Family said...

Ruth, I LOVED your blog!!! For one reason, I definitely feel for you and i just wanted to sit down and cry there in the store with you!!! But then, I loved that you changed the whole mood of everything!!! You are such a beautiful, strong mom and your little family is soooooo blessed to have you!!!
Lots of Love,

Kasi Lee said...

Your post definitely made me smile, Ruth! I miss you and hope your beautiful family is doing well! You are one remarkable woman!

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

Ruth, Glad to hear how the story turned out after talking with you yesterday; that you got home and it ended as a "love it" experience. Brother Wirthlin is proud, I am sure. Hope Karver is doing better. Good luck with the car situation.
Love, Mom

Brad and Laura Williams said...

Wow, what an experience! I feel for you. I think every mom can at least imagine a little bit of that. Where have you guys just moved to?

Unknown said...

Ruth! That sounds like an awful morning! haha..Im glad you were able to find the good in the bad. Your awesome and such a good mom! I hope you have a better day!! oh and congrats on the other little one coming!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love car trouble! I don't know if I could be so optimistic, in the store with a crying child when my car wouldn't start and all I wanted to do was go home! Well at least you had both of your guys home for the afternoon!
I love your family picture!

Katie!! said...

ruth, you are the best in the world!! thanks for the inspiration! you are SUPERMOM WITH A TESTIMONY!!! :)

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

What a testimony of a Prophetic council and following it. YOU ARE AN EXAMPLE TO US ALL -- ESPEICALLY YOUR DAD.
you are great.

Jeremy is great.

Karver is great.

and July is great too.


Kelsey said...

haha...that was cute! you are always so dang positive and i love it! hope your cute little family continues to do well!!!

Sheila Fish said...

Ruth what a great example you are to me! I don't know that I would have been so positive.. especially being pregnant and emotional!! You rock! I guess it's days like that that at least make for great stories later on.. right? We miss you guys!