Visit the horses, and play with some water in a bowl with a towl covering the cast, it still is scary for his momma you can see how closely I am watching.
I have also discovered that he loves to take pictures of himself with my phone. So the following are the many faces of Karver.




Karver is feeling ALOT BETTER! He seems to be in ALOT less pain. He is wanting to get up and walk around. My back is a bit achy from luggin around this cute kid in his awkward cast, but it is worth it. I am so happy the pain is gone and now we are just working on keeping him happy! Only about 5 more weeks! We have a doctors appointment on Tuesday and we will see what is happening then! I will keep you upated!! ThANKS FOR THE PRAYERS!! PLEASE KEEP THEM UP!!!
Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Huot for letting us stay at their house and sleeping in their bed and eating their food! :)
Thanks to Charice for helping us find the bean bag chair, he loves it!
Thanks to Karver for smiling and making me SOO HAPPY!!
Ruth I just have to say...You are such a trooper (Always have been). I don't know how you do it and keep a positive attitude all at the same time but I really admire that. You and your little family are in my thoughts and prayers.
thanks for the pictures!! it makes me happy to see him so happy.
So guess what? the other night I was at the church with Cassidy for Activity Days and the Activity Day Leader and I were talking and crazy thing is... she has a two year old boy who has a broken femur too. She can't wait, cuz he only has two more weeks in the huge spika cast thing. But she said she would love to talk to you and give you some advice on how to handle some of it. She says that she has learned a lot about what works and what doesn't.
Just call me and I will give you her number. she is very excited to talk to you.
Love to you guys!
The many faces of Karver are amazing. Each shows a new side of his personality. He is a real show stopper! Thank you for taking time to post stuff.
Love, Mom
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