My mom has been coming to help with Karver. CAN YOU SAY HEAVEN!!! He loves being around her and Jeremy and I both have noticed how much Karver has progressed with her here. he is happier and more of himself. He has started crawling all over the place! SO THANK YOU MOM!!! Anyway, We were able to walk a few doors down to the fair grounds and walk around the CAR SHOW!! It was really neat! There were tons of old cars there, but these were my favorite!!!!
THe batmobile!! AWESOME!!!!!!

And then of course for all you back to the future lovers! The delorean! The sign says "Flux capacitor is on back order!' hahah!! FUN!!!

There were alot of fun cars there, we had fun walking through and trying to figure out which cars matched which character of the movie "CARS". We went 4 times! There were over 1,000 cars there.
what a great time you had!! And I am sooo glad Mom is there to help you out along the way... isn't she simply the BEST!!!???
I am glad to hear that Karver is learning how to get around. that is such wonderful news!
We love you guys!
We did have fun! I loved all of the hot rods with the flames especially the metalic purple one. Love you and yours.
Wow, that is A LOT OF CARS!!! That is so cool that is was right by you too! Okay I just went through your last post it was so CUTE! I love the picture where you captured the "fear" in Karvers eyes, it made me laugh out loud! We went to the aquarium a couple weeks ago too, it is awesome! I'm glad your strong little super hero seems to be doing better and better, he has the super ability to heal and even smile through it all :)
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