Things are getting back to "normal" around here! (knock on wood) We have been having a crazy summer but since we have no more pregnant mommy, no more casted son, and are getting used to waking up in the middle of the night to feed a baby, we have decided to Start our summer! I know what you are thinking, START YOUR SUMMER!??? Well, we didnt have much of a summer so now that fall is almost here, our summer is beginning!
To notice in this pic:
1: very cute little boy wearing his daddy house!
2: How messy my once spottless house is because we are more focused on life than cleaning.
3: The baby swing in the back. We have brought all our baby stuff out for Kason, now our house is a little crowded!

This is Jeremy and Kason at the fair! We went to the fair Saturday night and had a great time walking around the fun things and paying WAY to much for dinner! :) We are fortunate enough to live a few houses away from the fair grounds here. So we always make it down to the fun events that are going on there!

This is my COOL kid looking at the tractors! in his stroller and NOT his wagon, he fits in his stroller now!! :)

Earlier that day we went to Bear Lake with Jeremy's mom's side of the family!! Karver LOVED playing in the sand, and Jeremy loved playing in the...... well...... Jeremy just LOVED PLAYIN.

I dont know if you can enlarge this pic.. but if you can DO IT!! You will see Karver's Sand mustach

Jeremy and I decided we LOVE LOVE Logan! It is BEAUTIFUL HERE!! and it is so close to alot of realy fun things! Only 45 min away from Bear Lake for example! :)

This is Kason and I sittin int he sun/shade!! It was fuN!

NEedless to say we were VERY tired when we got home that night! But it was WORTH IT!!
You are doing a pretty good job of packing a lot of summer into a day. You may really be able to have a comeplete summer. Who know!
I agree that Logan is a great place, I'm glad you are finding your normal! Say hi to all your boys for me!
LOOKS LIKE A CELESTIAL FAMILY ON THE MOVE -- doing lots of wholesome recreational activities.
Congrats. on everything. Glad you are back to you new normal.
Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.----which is really really soon.
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