Sometimes you don't expect things to happen the way they do! But somebody far more powerful and far more knowing has a different plan for you! That is how my life has been and I am SOO grateful to my Father in Heaven for his unexpected blessing! :)
Will and I looked at the pictures and laughed. We decided that some of them look like Megamind!!! Megamind Kason and Megamind Jeremy!!!! Will kept asking me how they made the pictures do that. We love you, Love Will and Christa
OMG I was literally laughing out loud, I had to show Kimo! I love the one of Cason- he looks like an alien genius! Love it!
hILARIOUS! Love it
Will and I looked at the pictures and laughed. We decided that some of them look like Megamind!!! Megamind Kason and Megamind Jeremy!!!! Will kept asking me how they made the pictures do that.
We love you,
Love Will and Christa
Right on christa, total megamind pictures! I love the last one of Jeremy, it looks like it could be a real person!
wow! that's nuts!
wow! that's nuts!
Those pictures are crazy!
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