
Friday, January 30, 2009

Visit to Grandma and Grandpa Huots

We went to Grandma's house for a couple of days and we forgot pajama's and so Grandma went and found some of Jeremy's brother's old PJ's they looked soo cute on him! And he grabbed Jeremy's glasses so we put them on him!! Isn't he a cute kid.
Grandpa Art wanted to feed Karver some licuorise so he through on one of his T-shirts. He looked so cute in this baggy shirt.


Our Newman 6 said...

Karver is getting so big! Next time you come down here maybe you should STOP by and stay awhile so we can play with that cute little one before he grows up. Okay yea we would like to see you guys also...hahaha

sam and kyrsten said...

he is so cute! I cant believe how big he is! he looks so much like your husband! i hope you guys are doing good!

Jackson said...

Ruth, he is soooo stinkin cute!! I love the cute jammies, and I love him biting that liquorish. What are we going to do when you move far far away? Have you been looking into cruises? I'm serious, I think we should go.. so let me know!

Mellissa said...

He's getting so big, but her sure is a cutie! I hope everything is going well for you:-)

Mellissa said...

I meant to say he sure is a cutie... not her! Sorry:-)