
Sunday, August 16, 2009


this is the pictures of the house we are in the process of getting! We just had the appraisle done and are now looking forward to the END!! We will have our house! :)

And now, a story, about two love birds who were set free for 1 weekend, and the adventures they had! :) OKay you guessed it, it is about Jeremy and I and the fun we had this weekend
Jeremy's mom took karver for the weekend. We went to pocatello, saw some old friends at my highschool 5 year reunion! And we went to Mack's Inn. It was there that we met this fello! Cute huh??

This is my friend JULIE! :) Her husband and her are the people in charge at Mack's Inn theatre! It was soo much fun to see the play and to spend time with friends!! p.s. the play was AWESOME!! you need to go see it!
This was Jeremy and my perma grin! :) We had SOOO Much fun spending time together!
THis was the comfy bed we slept in with the cute little cabin below! :) FUN FUN
This was us on our road trip! :) just he and I!!! WE MISSED KARVER ALOT! but is was great to spend time together!

Speaking of karver! Here are a few cute pictures of my boy! :) He has gained a new love for sunglasses! :)He loves loves his ball that he got months ago! He walks around with it all day! I think he may be a basketball player some day becuase he find anything the right size and he tries to "make a basket"!

So my new thing is walking! I used to run, but i dont have jogging stroller, so i walk! ALOT I walk two miles to a park, allow karver to play for a bit, then two miles back home! 4 miles a day! It feels great, but i cant wait until i can run again!

And this is how i keep karver entertained during my walks! :) he eats! :)So this is our family for now! Karver is growing like crazy and he has 4 molers now! He is eating EVERYTHING and he is the joy in our home! JEremy is working really hard at the cabnet shop and they are doing great. If you need your cabnets done you know who to call! ;) and I am just keeping busy trying to finish things up with our house. TIMES ARE GREAT AND FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!! thank heavens! :


Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

Great pictures! It was good to see you 2 for a bit on your way to your cabin retreat. Mom and Dad

Our Newman 6 said...

Looks Like you had fun on a well deserved little weekend alone.... That Karver is growing so fast and keeps getting cuter and cuter..

Mike and Kaci said...

Love the house! Did I miss that Karver is walking? He is so flippin adorable! I LOVE Macks Inn!! Never gone to the theater- but we were there not this last weekend but the whole week before- LOVE IT!

Johnson Family said...

Ruth, the house is beautiful!! Almost as beautiful as your family, but not quite!!! Cause how can you compete with Karver??!!!! You just can't!
O.K. I am ready to move to Logan and settle down in a cute little house next to yours... so find us a!!! He! He!!!

Camie and Beau said...

Ruth! I am jealous! Your new house looks awesome!Congrats!