
Monday, March 15, 2010

Valentines day & Fun familly trip

There are alot of pictures this time around! Again i did it backwards so we will be starting with the most recent and looking back on the last month or so. This is Karver watching a movie! I know what you are thinking, what kind of movie do you have to be buckled up to watch. Well, I was organizing under our stairs and Karver happened to see his old car seat in there! He insisted that we let him in, then he wanted to watch a movie, as he was watching the movie he again insisted that we BUCKLE him in! He sat through about 1/2 or more of the movie strapped tightly in his INFANT car seat! hahaha

For some reason that I am not sure of yet, karver is a shoe fanatic! He loves them! I like this picture because he took a break from his usual High Heal obsession and grabbed daddy's shoes!

We took a family trip to Hill Air Force Base in Ogden (pictures down the page a bit) and on the way home we stopped by Jeremy's dad's house. It was a good thing we did because his dad was dumping some saw dust out of the back of his little PB into a near by pit and accidentally forgot to take it out of reverse. He nearly fell right into the ditch. Jeremy jumped to the rescue and pulled him out with this little tractor! haha!! It was a very fun and interested experience! If you look down at the bottom of the blog you will see the video of the EVENT! :)

These are picture of a real fun family trip we took to Hill Air Force Base. Karver seemed to enjoy himself! BUT JEREMY LOVED IT!!! He and his brother Jason were walking around in AWE!! It was a really neat thing and we hope to do it again soon.

This is me being brave next to an ATOMIC BOMB!! WOW!!!
There were ALOT of really neat displays! But as you can see in this picture, although there is a life size air plane with a man inside, Karver was more amazed with the small toy airplanes hanging from the ceiling!
I just like this picture of karver! :)
This was Jeremy's attempt at pretzels! Ha ha We both struggled a little when it came to shaping them! :) The tasted wonderful and they look.... well... you see for yourself!

Finally we reach our valetntines day pictures! Again they are backwards because I downloaded them that way! :) Okay... This is our Dinner we had! It was a teriyaki chicken with fried rice.
This is Karver in the morning VERY Excited about his pink pancakes!
And this is the romantic (or cheesy) breakfast i made for my other valentine! They are pink pancakes! :)
Sorry this blog was very RANDOM!! But I wanted to blog these things before it was just too late! I hope you enjoy the picture at least.


Brad and Laura Williams said...

haha that's so funny Ruth. I just got out our carseat (that happens to look just like yours) and Braylie insisted on sitting in it too. Your little boy is so cute! That's a cute idea for valentine pancakes too.

Johnson Family said...

What a wonderful blog!! I loved cutie patutie Karver!!!! And I loved the pancakes!!! What a romantic you are!!! I better not let Morgan see this post or he will wonder why he didn't get "message pancakes" as well!!!
Love you guys and really, really enjoyed getting caught up with you via pictures!!!!
p.s. the sun is shining and so you need to high tail it down here for a little R&R!!!

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

Backward smackwards! Loved the blog and the dialog and the video. Feel like we just had an action packed, romantic, buckled up, high flyin' visit. Thank you! Thank you! Love, Mom

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

and DAD

Camie and Beau said...

Ruth! Karver is getting so big! How fun! Looks like you guys are doing wonderful! I love ya and hope to see you soon!!!