Long time... but not alot has happened! We are still busy little bees getting things done! I had a great mothers day which included jeremy taking me out Friday night to Olive Garden, one of my and not one of his favorite places to eat! Such a sweet man!!! As you can see from this picture below Karver is VERY happy, and so am I! Why you ask? Well.... Jeremy passed his Paramedic entrance exam test and has been accepted into the program! He will be starting the Paramedic Program at Weber State this Fall and we are very proud of our man!

Other news! I"M PREGNANT!! haha just kidding i'm sure you already knew that! But this is a picture of our little guy! Things are progressing well in this department! I have about every ache and pain that goes along with pregnancy but I know it is going to be worth it! I dont know if any of you have every experience round ligament pain, but OUCH!!! It wakes me up in the middle of the night and i SCREAM!! Poor Jeremy usually thinks i am going into labor.haha.. I also experience some braxton hicks contractions, swelling of hands and feet, and many other heavenly pregnancy symptoms!

I love my dear husband, just in case i didnt already mention that! I came down one day from a nap and i saw this on my counter! It is made of laffy taffies (another pregnancy symptom of mine is craving these)! He is wonderful!!

On another note, Karver has been blooming and getting ready for this baby just as much as we have! He is growing up so fast and learning and playing more and harder than ever!! He is doing so good at sharing, and letting mommy rest. If you ask him where his baby brother is he will point to the belly, not always my belly, but a belly none the less, sometimes it is his Grandma's belly or a friends belly, even his own belly has been pointed to a few times.... maybe he will understand more when the baby comes out and my belly shrinks to a slightly normal size.
But he has been sooo wonderful and pleasant lately we thought we should give him a special surprise.. so one day we brought him to the FIRE STATION!! He had his own personal tour of the trucks he was able to get close and personal he got the see them from..........the TOP


and all around he loved it soo much!! We walked in the station and there were 4 or 5 fire trucks parked there and since we have a brother in law who is a fireman, we were able to enjoy each of them to their fullest!! KARVER WAS IN HEAVEN! As soon as he saw them his face lite up and he said "OHHHHHHHHHHHH KUCKS WEEE NEWW WEE NEWW!!!"
I love that belly shot. It shows it off without showing off all the bad stuff!! YAY! Love the beard fireman--very nice! Love you guys...come visit soon.
Thanks for sharing the pictures. A day at the fire station is most little boy's dream.
We love you guys.
Mom and Dad
yea for the update!!! It looks like you guys are doing great and just waiting around for the new Mr.Crozier!!
When is your due date again??? I would love to come visit you and help out at some point after the baby comes..
We love you guys!!!
Love, The Johnson's via Christa
looking forward to a birthday Party coming up. We shall see you there.
DAD and MOM via DAD
Hahaha. I miss that little guy! Isn't it fun to hear them becoming so expressive?! Congrats Jeremy on your acceptance! Very exciting! Hey we miss you guys! Enough of the rain checks. When are we gonna get together?
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