
Sunday, May 30, 2010

The party of the Century, or at least of the last two years! LOT OF FUN!

WOW!!! Karver is 2 and boy did we celebrate this event! I wanted it to be something special because it will be his last birthday as an only child! It was really fun! We are grateful for all the people who were able to attend. We were really worried because it had been raining off and on for the past few days and the day of party rolled around and it was not TO sunny! But it worked out, it was a little chili but worth every shiver! We will have alot of pictures for this blog so those of you that couldn't come can feel as though you were there! The theme for this party was CARS like the movie! :)

We started things out with eating a wonderful chicken salad sandwich and enjoyed my mom's FAMOUS potatoe salad (okay so maybe not famous, yet! But i should be). Also we had Jeremy's sister Chelsey make a WONDERFUL creamy raspberry and orange salad! AMAZING!!! It was alot of yummy yummy food to start the party off right! Then we had a little getting to know you game about karver! We asked questions and whoever got it right kept track of their points, in the end the one who knew the most about karver got a treat! Good job Grandma Crozier!

Next we started our edible car race! We had a lot of stuff set up so everybody could build their own cars. There were alot of fun and cute cars made as you can see

Then we raced the car down the ramp, if it would actually move down the ramp, mine didn't, then we would race the successful cars in the end! It was A LOT of fun and the Crozier boys got really into it! My nephew Christian did really well also, not to mention my dad won the "two wheeled" race. Hahahah Notice in the picture my dad's was the one with the Marshmallows as the body and two Oreos for wheels. His was VERY fast, but some of the team thought maybe it should be in a category all of its own. (I think because the knew they didn't have a chance next to him!) When the race was all said and done we gave the prize to Jeremy's brother Jason! Good job Jason! But other honorable mentions should be given to
*Christian Hegstrem for building an awesome car that worked REALLY GOOD!! Giving the older boys a run for their money. Great job Christian!!
*Max Crozier for building a FAST potatoe car the probably would have won if it didn't CRASH after the first round. GREAT WORK!!
*Papa Lund for winning his own division of edible car racing! LOVE YOU DAD!!
*Mellissa Potter for making the coolest looking mow-hawk car!
*Ruth, Heather, and Chad for making cars that didnt work at all! :) We are AWESOME!!!

When the race was finished Karver had his turn to roll the winning car and some of the other losing cars, down the ramp! It was alot of fun! Thanks for participating

Okay, so after the cars, we opened presents. Karver really got lucky this year with alot of SUPER GREAT GIFTS!! His cousin Christian even gave Karver his old bike so Karver could enjoy it as much as he did!! It was soo sweet!

Then we had a balloon release in honor of Karver's other favorite movie UP! ALOT OF FUN!!! All the little kids helped. There was a lot of waving bye to the balloons and some crying for accidental release! hahaha!!

We finished up with our Happy birthday song in 3 languages! English, Chinese and ASL!! Lots of fun!! Thanks for coming and hope to see you next year!!!


P.S. Did I mention it was A LOT of fun! :) :)


Bonnie Hynes said...

Thanks for all the pics. elliott was watching the video and said I should call you guys so you can come down here. good ideas this boy has!

Johnson Family said...

yea Ruth for posting pictures of Karver's birthday!! I felt like I had the opportunity to be there!!! Hipppp hoooray!!!
We love your little family so so much!!!!! Karver, you are simply adorable!!!!
Love, Aunt Christa

Kourtney and Benjamin said...

Those cars look like SOOO much fun! Where do you come up with all these ideas! Happy Birthday Karver!

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

Fun! Fun! WE HAD Fun!
Love, Mom and Dad

Bonnie Hynes said...

What about Crawford Crozier? Eh? I couldn't remember if we thought of that one already!

Wilson Winners said...


This looks SO fun! What a great mom you are! Karver is oober lucky to have you.


PS did you notice that when talking about mom's potato salad you said, "I should be famous" Ha ha, wow you have self esteem just oozing don't ya? :)