I thought that many people would really enjoy this video of our little super hero, or my little trooper... HEY he is my little SUPER TROOPER! :) I cannot believe how incredible he is. WHen he got this cast on we thought he would do nothing but lay on his back for 8 weeks. BOY WERE WE WRONG!!! He has done everything from crawl to stand, to walk! I am amazed! He never gives up and has shown me what it means to persist and be optomistic! I love this kid and I am so happy that he is in our lives. He is such an example to all of us and will be a GREAT older brother!
NOW, watch and be amazed...
P.s. Dont worry. He has also learned how to fall! The fall at the end was no big thing, he actually laughed about it! He just falls and rolls!
I need to learn to laugh more when i "fall"
I am so bummed because I can't ever open your videos and I know they must be sooooo cute! AAAAAH! Thanks for updating your blog amidst the chaos you are living through right now! Love you guys
Jennifer on my FB gave me your blog to give me ideas for my 1 1/2 year old son. He to also broke his femur bone. He did it the same day your little guy got his off. I just think this is kinda ironic that all this happened the same as you. I think we got the same spica car seat that you had. And that you were pregnant while he was in the cast, I am too. It made me feel so much better knowing that someone else was in the exact same situation as me. I was struggling cause I am always tired and sick, and having to take care of him and lug him everywhere and take care of two other kids. it was totally kicking my butt. But to read how positive you were with it all it gave me inspiration that I could keep going on. He gets his cast off Aug. 25, only 9 more days ( I'm counting). So I wanted to tell you thanks for your positive attitude. Thanks Melinda :)
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