My sister Bonnie had a blog post with just some random pics describing whats been going on lately! I thought to myself, "self, that is a great idea!" So here you go, for your viewing pleasure!
Whats been going on at the crozier house!

Gramma Karen helping Karver with play in the water time (or more secretly known as bath time.. SHHHHHHHHH dont tell!)

Karver Kason and daddy playing ball!



This is a CUUUUTTTEEE kid!! He loves cameras, and thats okay with me! Everytime he sees one he sais "CHEEEESE!" Since he has been in his spica cast for almost 8 weeks, it is starting to,, well starting to STINK!! So he is now lovingly referred to as the "stinky cheese man!" (thanks to gramma Karen!) As many know, I dont love puns, but this just fits! :) We love you, our stinky cheese man! :)
Love the random pictures of the Stinky Cheese man.
I love it all!!! random pictures are the BEST!!!!!!!!! I love you guys!! I just want to hold little Kason and squeeze him and play with Karver!!!!
Love ya tons! I am so glad Mom is able to be there to help out!! How wonderful!!!
Wonderful Picture History. You have very cute kids who seem to get along very well with each other and all family. Stinky cheese is perfect !!!
I shall be there soon. Leaving in a half an hour.
I wish Kaydence would pose for me like Karver does for you! I have to take so many pictures of her to get a decent shot a lot of the time. Well one thing is certain, you have two incredibly handsome little boys!
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