I woke up yesterday morning thinking, TODAY IS THE DAY!!! I have waited for July 29th for many weeks now! We gave Karver one last spung bath, and then headed to Brigham City Ut. There, all three of us napped and waited patiently for a few hours before we headed off to SLC. Both boys were a DREAM in the car ride there. We got there and headed to the Pediatric orthopedic center. THey said that Dr. Holmes was 60 min behind with her appointments. Again we waited patiently, for 15 min then they called us in the room. They took karver in for an x-ray, more patient waiting followed. The door opened and my heart beat quickened! In walked Dr. Holmes singing, YES SINGING!!! "TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!" She said things had healed wonderfully and showed us the x-ray. You can still see where the brake is but you can see the bone healing and remodeling itself. She said it is strong enough to take the cast OFFFFFFFF
Me: "How long do you think the soreness and pain will last?"
Dr: "It is not strange for it to last up to 2 weeks. Dont be worried if he doesnt walk for up to 3 weeks."
The nurse came in and took his cast off. He hated it as expected. But as soon as it was off he smiled!
The ride home was....... well it was........ A DREAM!!!! Karver was SOOOOOO happy! He kept pointing to his leg and saying OFF OFF!! BYE BYE!! He was bending and straightening and moving and itching and itching and itching!! He was giggling and smiling to no end! We stopped for something to eat and Jeremy and Karver got out to eat on the grass and Karver wanted down. At first his legs were in the same position as the cast, but withing a few seconds they were stretched out, a few seconds later he was rolled over trying to crawl!

By the time we stopped to see Grandma and Grandpa Huot, Karver was happier than we have seen him in a long time, well... 8 weeks i guess! :)
At grandma and granpa's he started rolling and crawling and STANDING!! He tried to walk but tumbled a bit. I couldnt believe it!!
My son is obviously not ordinary!! BUT EXTRAORDINARY!
We got home and bathed him for A LONG TIME!! Alot of soap,bubbles and scrubbing later. We put him in his PJ's and he went to bed!
This morning he has been doing great! Walking with help and loving having his cast off!
oh and loving his little brother of course! :)
I will upload some video of his walking and crawling. he does his best to keep his leg in the same position it was in when he had the cast on. That will take some adapting, but if there is anything i have learned, it is that this kid is a PRO at adapting!
Yay Ruth! I am so glad you updated the blog because I was so curious! I am glad all is well! I love you and your growing family!
Yay Karver!!! My kids are cheering as I read this blog out loud!! Hooray! Thanks for the pics of the little guy too, your kids are the cutest!
WOO HOO FOR KARVER!!! HAPPPY DAY :) I think that little guy is an AMAZING HERO to ALL he is around..WE LOVE YOU KARVER cant wait to see little kason he looks DARLING in all your pics hope you are doing as well also!!
Karver really is AMAZING or should I say... EXTRAORDINARY! I can only imagine how much joy gave you to see Karver being his happy self and healing and adjusting so fast, what a little super star!
I'm so happy he is doing so well, congrats!
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