Karver and mommies photo shoot!! We could be models.... for something!

Kason wanted in on the action!!

Sunday was Kason's blessing day. It was a wonderful day filled with the spirit and family and fun! These are my boys!

And these are there evil twins!

This is the father-son pic!! Doesn't kason look perfect!! Kason was able to wear the same outfit that Jeremy wore on his blessing day, and Karver wore on his blessing day! So fun!

Onto other news.. I am afraid so say it, but i think the days of Karver's consistent naps are gone. :( As I hold back the tears I will tell you a story. A few days ago I laid Karver down for his daily nap. Now he has been off and on with his naps lately (sniffle sniffle!). Sometimes sleeping sometimes just playing for a few hours untill I come and get him. This day I put him in his Porta Crib thinking if he couldnt play around he would go right to sleep... good idea right... well.. I guess I put it too close to his dressers (SOB SOB). When i entered the room 2 hours later.. he had pulled all the cloths and socks out of the drawers he could reach... as you can see he was very busy, and proud of his accomplishments.

We now call it quiet time. He can nap if he wants. Or just sit in his room for 2 hrs and do... well.. whatever i guess! :) He is such a good boy and never complains about his "quiet time".... I just PRAY I dont loose quiet time too!
Great pictures! It is a sad time when naps go away but you ARE lucky that he does quiet time. He is remarkable. Handsome men yu have in your home and it is nice that they are able to share clothes.
Love, Mom
Love those Crozier boys! I'm glad that blessing went well, but sad we missed it. I'm a bit of a downer lately, so it's probably good we couldn't come! Love you guys!
Such handsome boys you have!!! And (sniffle sniffle) I am sorry about you maybe losing nap time, I look forward to those couple of hours at my house!
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