Making sure the boys are fed and clean
making sure there is food in the house and it is clean
Making sure Jeremy is fed, and clean (although he does the last part by himself)
Making sure to do my Visiting Teaching
Finding Ideas for Relief Socitey meetings that will help the sisters in my ward strenghten their testimonies and strengthen their homes and families.
Praying for family members that are in GREAT need of my prayers and faith.
Studying and pondering in order to develope that faith.
Teaching Karver not be HARD with his little brother
Helping Jeremy with his homework
Helping the kids be happy and feel loved
Figure out how to pay thousands of dollars worth of medical bills with the hundreds of dollars that we have
Doing service
Going to the temple
Spending quality time with my husband
Writting in the boys calenders
Spending quality time with each child
Make money as a stay at home mom (Although Kason and Karver give me SOO much happiness, they dont pay well. :)
Studying for an upcoming interpreting certification exam
putting my name out to interpret for local places
Play dates so the kids can socialize
Play dates so i can socialize
Sell camera, coat racks, and other things on KSL or craigslist
copying notes and flash cards for jeremy
Organizing to fit our stuff in little amount of storage space
Cut down our monthly expenses
Loose weight
Thinking about potty training
Get more physically active
Figure out what to do with my not so perfect teeth situation
Go to Poky and get computer fixed, make a trip to costco, and see friends
Helping Jeremy Get ready to take on his new church calling
?What is wrong with Karvers teeth?
?What is wrong with my teeth?
?What is that noise the truck is making?
?How is Christa and her family?
?What can I do to help?
?How is Breana? When will she have her baby?
?What can i do to help?
?Does Jeremy have too much on his plate?
?What can I do to help?
?Am I a bad mom if I interpret and leave my kids with a sitter?
There!! WHEW!!!! even though I know I haven't sorted through everything on my plate I know I have sorted through a good chunk. Appetizing huh!? Well I know I can eat it! Just one bite at a time! Here a few things that help me swallow it down a little easier

You forgot one thing. Take care of RUTH! As women/wives/mothers we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. It doesn't have to be anything big, maybe just taking the time to shave our legs in the shower. A little present to us, something that makes us feel pretty. Just saying. Your life sounds busy, I know you will settle in. We Johnson women are stronger than we think. I love you!
PS You are not a bad mom if you interpret. The kiddos are stronger than we think sometimes too. :) It takes a village.
RUTH...what a gal! you forgot to add that you take time to text your favorite sicko sister in Boise! We love your texts, blogs and pics. Stay happy...there are always enough minutes for the MOST important stuff (even if that includes a nap sometimes!)
Love you!
Ruth, I can't believe what a great smile Kason Lund has. It is like a million watt light bulb. Amazing! You also are amazing and doing all of the right things.
I love you.
Young mothers have a lot on their plate! somehow with faith and prayers you will get through this time in your life.
and you are doing the best thing you can do for me... you are praying for me! That makes me happy and I can ALWAYS feel the prayers that are getting thrown my way.
Love ya,
Young mothers have a lot on their plate! somehow with faith and prayers you will get through this time in your life.
and you are doing the best thing you can do for me... you are praying for me! That makes me happy and I can ALWAYS feel the prayers that are getting thrown my way.
Love ya,
i feel ya. you sound like you have much more going on then most, but its so nice to be able to just write it down and sort through everything. and prioritize. i hope that everything gets figured out. your a wonderful person by the way.. i just thought i should let you know that. i think your wonder woman or something.
That whole "play dates" so you can the kids can socialize.. i'll help ya out with that one!
As i read that list I mentally checked just about all of them as they apply to me too. It's hard isn't it!
I liked your list. Maybe I should do that.
PS i think you are so amazing! You really are. And remember, one day at a time...
Hi Ruth - I feel you. Just asking the questions is a great start. "Live the questions" is some great advice I got once and even though I didn't quite know what it meant, it seemed like wise advice that helped. I hope to see you soon and meet Mr. Kason. Like they say on the airplane's and like Heather said, put on your own oxygen mask first, then you can be fully available to help those around you. You are awesome.
Love you!
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