
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The road of life.. and stinky ducks!!

Life is full of twists and turns. It is not "smooth sailing" and its not supposed to be. It is a crazy road filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, pot holes and black ice, dead ends and u-turns. I LOVE IT!! Some of the moments I love the most are the ones when you arent paying attention to the turns and speed limit, but focusing on the beautiful mountains you are passing, or the wild flowers that are growing on the side of the road! Sometimes i just want to get out of the car... and walk, take a breath of fresh air and notice the beauty of the earth.
Photo's by Jason Natzke

These last few days I took time to "get out and walk" through my life and notice "the beauty of my earth" These are the things that i noticed....

*Sometimes while I'm doing chores around the house, I happen to glance over at Kason and he is watching me very intently, when he notices that I'm finally looking back at him.. he smiles!
*Sometimes allowing myself and the kids to stay in our jammies for a while is nice!
*Karver sticking his hand down his pants and showing me whats on his finger is no reason to vomit... although i almost did.
*Kason has dimples when he smiles real big! :)
*People respond to a friendly smile and honest complement!
*Old family videos allow for lots of laughs! :) hahaha
*After lunch, if i go read books with Karver instead of IMMEDIATELY cleaning up the dishes, our kitchen doesnt become infested with mold, and contrary to what i've always thought, I dont receive a surprise visitor who wants to go inspect my kitchen.
*Karver likes to snuggle!
*Kason enjoys tummy time
*Karver has AMAZING eyes.. blue/green. orangish!
*Jeremy is VERY handsome while sleeping
* Jeremy is even more handsome while playing with our boys!
*Karver's a good little football player
*I love to sing
*Prayers are answered
*Money doesnt make the world "go-round" (thank goodness)
*2 year olds repeat EVERYTHING YOU SAY AND DO! :)
*Jason Natzke is an AWESOME photographer
*Ducks stink.. literally... they smell bad

These are only a few of the beauties I noticed while walking down my road.... What beauties are down yours?


Wilson Winners said...


I love this. It is so fabulous! One of the beauties in my world is my intuitive, inspired, loving, beautiful, talented and smart little sister Ruth!



Johnson Family said...

This is probably my favorite post ever!! what an awesome idea!!! Love your upbbeat attitude and love of all the boys in your family!
p.s. We have been watching all the old family videos too and I LOVE them soooooo much!!!