Almost 5 months ago our spunky 2 year old son Karver was in an accident. We were attending a family reunion at a Ranch in Idaho. There was alot of fun to be had. There was food, family, four wheeling and games. Karver was playing near the Ranch home when he was hit and run over by a four wheeler. His femur was snapped in half. I tried to grab him but fell.. I was a little fron heavy at the time being 8 months prego. Jeremy then took him and examined him. He had an obvious fractured femur.... like this.....

When we rushed him to the ER which was over an hour away (unless you are driving over 100 mph then it is much closer!) His grandpa Max laid his hands on Karver and gave him a blessing.
We arrived at the hopsital and the doctor set his leg like this.

After 10 days of adjusting to this.

We went to see the doctor again. And we saw this.

Not good. So we waited a few days. Then went to primary childrens and got this

We went back to primary childrens a week later and saw this.

She said that was good.. so we continued like this.

We went back to Primary children's and she took an x-ray like this

and he got his cast off like this..

then he was back to normal like this.

I mean like this..

well, you get the point..
Then a few days ago we went to the Primary Children's hospital for the last time. We took an x-ray like this...

and now we are all happy.... like this!!!

The pictures (and the narrative) tell the story very clearly and it is a story of love, family, Priesthood power, miracles,teamw work,ingenuity, adaptability, courage, patience and faith. We do love a happy ending and we love you all.
Love, Mom and Dad.
YAY!!! I love happy endings. Your little family is so great, and we love you so much! Come visit us know you want to!
what a wonderful story!!!! and the way you tell it is just perfect!!! Love that Karver!!!!! So glad he is truly healed nowadays!!!
We love you guys soooo super much and think of you often!!!
p.s. I don't think there is a cuter picture ANYWHERE than that of Kason crying!!!!!!!!!
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