
Monday, December 20, 2010

Every Crozier down in Logan liked Christmas a lot!

We had lots of fun this week. We were able to see Gramma Karen and Papa Lund.. or Papa Karen as Karver calls them! :)

**We had a FUN FHE gingerbread making competition/disaster with our friends the Cronins. Sorry no pictures, but it's probably better that way! :)
**I had a very fun cookie exchange party at a friends house here, we had lost of fun talking and Jeremey was happy to see me come home with over 5 dozen cookies!
**We were able to see Grandma and Grandpa Crozier during our annual Christmas party.
**We were also able to see Grandma and Grandpa Huot for their annual Christmas Party. We made fun treats!

Kason had his 1st staring roll as Baby Jesus in the Live Nativity!
I love this nativity picture. The classic family nativity! We have muscle man Hunter, pouting Tyson, distracted Olivia, bored Abby, and Wiggly Kason.

Both boys did great with Santa this year!
You can imagine my surprise when Karver was MORE than willing to go sit on Santa's lap and chat with him. **I was able to perform in our wards Christmas program by singing in the choir, performing in a quartet, and signing 2 songs!! Jeremy was a HUGE help by taking the boys!
**We were able to do some secret Santa gifts to 2 families in our ward!

All in all it has been very fun and successful, and there is only MORE Christmas fun to come!!

How could the Grinch hate Christmas, the whole Christmas season?


Bonnie Hynes said...

Love the pictures...keep them coming! How great that you have kids that don't freak out at Santa! Take more pictures, upload more pictures, then blog more will be your merry Christmas to me!

Wilson Winners said...

I wouldn't even ask why, cause I'm pretty sure no one quite knows the reason.


Love the post, you have to tell me how you make those cute snowmen!


Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

L-O-V-E the pictures! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Mom and Dad who are traveling to California to celebrate with Grandmother Frazier and Warren

Our Family said...

Disaster?!? REally? Come on... at least they tasted good! ha. If I would get on the ball and actually update my blog you could get some pics of that fantastic night. I esp love the one of you and Jeremy digging in ... with your faces!

Johnson Family said...

I don't know how I missed this post, but I did and it is such a wonderful post!!!!!! Love all the pictures and you sang in your new awesome!!!!!
Just love, love, love you guys!!!