Sorry, but this is a SUPER LAZY blogging day today. "To blog" has been on my list of "To do's" for a VERY long time now, so here I am, blogging.... kinda...
Enjoy the pictures...

2. Our home this Christmas
3. My OCD son's (aka Karver's) idea of a good time
4. Staying warm for our 1st family Geo Caching trip... ( Mikey i need help.. we didnt find either of the two we were looking for!:(
5. Cute Kason, and in the background the AWESOME office nook Jeremy built us! :) Better pictures to come, possibly.
WE did want to see Kason's Halloween costume. Thank you. It is nice to see your family even if it is only in pictures.
Love to you all,
I love the picture of Jeremy and the boys geocahing! Don't time Mikey and I went on a cash and only found 1 out of 8!! Your boys are all super cute. Have a cold, happy holiday time!
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