i remember being sick and laying in my moms bed while she brought me juice and anything else i needed. It was as heavenly as getting sick could be. So, I passed on the LOVE.. I dont know that he really cared, he was CONKED out for pretty much 2 days.

While Karver was taking his endless naps I was busy trying EVERYTHING i could to keep Kason away from him, and healthy. I would keep Karver upstairs, and Kason down. If I was up helping Karver and needed to go help Kason, I would quickly wash my hands and run down to get kason.. It was alot of work, but worth it..
Kason was busy doing things himself like ...
*practicing his modeling

Working on his pull-ups


These were the yummy treats I made for the Valentines party... They were fudge covered OREOS!! Yes Bonnie, I made them, I ate them, and I LOVED THEM!!

P.S. My attempt of keeping Kason healthy.. just plain FAILED! He is in the other room coughing his little heart out.. didnt sleep more than 3 hours last night, and can barely speak from his lost voice.. PRAYING it doesnt get worse.. feel free to join in on those prayers!! :)
We will join in the prayers. We prayed for Karver and it worked. Not such a fan of the Justin Beiber look but the Valentine treats are very pretty and I am sure that they are deeeeeelicious! You are doing a great job as a nurse. Your boys are getting the best of care.
I love the modeling picture of Kason! poor little Karver...let;s just hope he doesn't share the love with you either....no fun for anyone when mommy is sick!
Morgan showed this post to all the kids last night and I got to see it again tonight!!! I am soooo sorry that Karver has been sick and I will add him to our prayers. Hopefully Kason will only get a mild version, if at all. I know how hard it is to try to not get one kid sick when the other one is spreading germs like mad. Will was gunky today and coughing and basically "shooting germs" everywhere.
I loved that you passed on the LOVE!! Karver in your bed is precious!
And those pictures are sooooo cute! Kason modeling!!! I couldn't stop laughing. And Jeremy as Justin Bieber right after I took Cassidy to the movie about him for her birthday...classic!!!
Love you guys and you just keep up the good work being an awesome mom!!
p.s. those Oreos look heavenly...stick some in the mail and send them my way!! he he Just kidding!
Love you guys!
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