
Monday, February 21, 2011

Cool Karver and Monster Trucks

Can you believe the weather? For those of you in Az, I dont want to hear it! :) It was BEAUTIFUL for a few days. WE went on a walk for 2 days in a row. Notice the attire, a light jacket, pants, and a must: the upside down sunglasses
It got cold, it snowed... ALOT!!! I cant wait for SPRING!! COME ON ALREADY!!!!

In other news, Jeremy took Karver to his 1st MONSTER TRUCK SHOW!!!!

This was the half time entertainment!These are the handsome boys that came. Jason, Steven, Grandpa Crozier, Karver, and Jeremy behind the camera!
They made sure to give him ear plugs. These re high quality plugs from their cabenit shop. Look at the looks on their faces... It says it all

Cute kid
I guess he REALLY enjoyed it... was their any doubt he would? NO!! He was soo excited and LOVD EVERY minute. It may have been too much excitement. When they finally got back at 11:00 at night, I heard them moving around. I came to see and jeremy came rushing down the hall with Karver naked, and throw up all down the front of himself. I asked Karver if his tummy hurt and he said no. Then I said do you want to go to bed, he said Ok. The next morning he had forgot all about the puke, but TALKED all about the Monster Trucks.. I think it was a success


Johnson Family said...

oh my goodness, it looks like you guys are having lots of fun up there in Logan!!! Karver is soooo adorable at the Monster Truck Rally and I bet that is a memory he will cherish forever!!!! I know Will would.
I am glad you had a chance to go on walks in the warm weather, even if it only lasted two days. Walks are sooo great and the upside down sunglasses are classic...what a cute boy!!!!!

Speaking of warm weather, I am headed to Florida on Thursday for a breast cancer conference for four days. Yipppeee, talk about warm beautiful weather! Are you jealous?? I know you are!!!! he he
Love you guys.... give those boys a hug for me, they are sooooooooooooo adorable!!
Love, Aunt Christa

Jenny Axford Cook said...

How fun!

Bonnie Hynes said...

YAY Monster truck fun!! Elliott loves the pictures...he gets to go in 3 weeks! We love you guys...we'll post pics of our monster truck rally for Karver to look out!

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

MONSTER TRUCKS -- loud, lots of people, crashes, pucking.... My what fun.
Actually I get it was interesting. Glad you went... glad I did not.
But if I had been there, I would have gone just to be with the "MEN" of the family.