
Sunday, February 27, 2011

numbers, where zero's once were

RUN FOREST RUN!!! Today is a GREAT GREAT DAY!!!! This is an activity that Karver does OFTEN! HE runs from one end of the house to the next, over, and over, and over, and over again. I am just happy he CAN run. He has been healed and back to normal for a while, but we were still suffering the affects of the accident that happened almost 9 months ago. Suffereing how, you might ask, well, if you were to look at our budget you would know. There were alot of zero's and negatives in most of the categories having anything to do with medical. But now, today, just like Karver has healed, and recovered, our budget has too. It didnt really hit me untill we put the numbers in the collums, it looked strange to see numbers without a negative infront of them. Then it hit me, WE ARE DONE!!!!!
There may of may not have been tears of happiness that we TRULY TRULY ARE DONE!!!

Thank you to all those who helped us. Thank you to my parents.. I LOVE YOU!!! Thank you!! THANK YOU!!!!!

* In other news look at the gift Jeremy made me for VALENTINES!! I love him!!!
that is all.


Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

So glad to be of assistance in your successes and triumphs. But it was the Windows of Heaven that really did the helping. SO GLAD KARVER IS RUNNING AND YOUR ARE RELAXED ONCE AGAIN.


Bonnie Hynes said...

YAY! Congrats on the lower stress in your life, your health and Jeremy's super cute gift giving skills!

Johnson Family said...

what an inspirational blog post!!!! I loved seeing Karver running and the joy on his face. I remember back to all of the posts when he was just "sitting around" and couldn't be up and about. What a drastic chance in his face... a HUGE smile!!!
I am sooooo glad you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel from the financial setback that medical bills can be.
Also, Jeremy... Kudos to you!! That is the BEST Valentine's Day gift ever!!!! How beautiful is that sign?!!!! LOOOOOOVVVVEEE IT! And now of course, I want to steal that idea. he he he
Love you guys and loved hearing Karver's voice the other day after visiting the "old folks". How precious!!!!

Camie and Beau said...

Yes! I'm so happy for you! Awesome feeling I bet! As for the shelf...way to go Jeremy! I want one!