"Few things can transform us as quickly as the presence of a child." - Tobin hart

"children find everything in nothing; men find nothing in everything." -Giacomo Leopardi

This is more for Jeremy "Men in general, are but great children!" -Napoleon Bonaparte

I love karver more than words can say. I dont know if he will ever know what he has done for me, or how much I love him, He has taught me sooo much!

"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for Children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood." -Fred Rogers

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million!" -Walt Streightiff

I know that Heavenly Father allowed karver to come to our home, because he would help us, we may try to teach him all about life, but he has taught us what life is all about!

"Never forget that these little ones are the sons and daughters of God and that yours is a custodial relationship to them, that He was a parent before you were parents and that He has not relinquished His parental rights or interest in these little ones. Now, love them, take care of them. . . . welcome them into your homes and nurture and love them with all your hearts." -Gordon B. Hinkley

And to my Heavenly Father I say:
Thank you for allowing me to care for one of your sweetest spirits while he lives through his test of mortality. Thank you for his smiles and laughs! Thank you for this precious gift. Allow me to be everything that he needs. Help us to be thy hands as we raise him. Help us to give him the light and knowledge he needs. I am glad I was chosen to be his mother, and if I am not chosen to be a mother to any other, Please know, that motherhood, being a mother to karver, has been the most rewarding and incredible blessing of my life! I am forever grateful for him!
that was such a sweet post. children are such a wonderful blessing! i cant wait until the day comes that i get to be a mom! thanks for reminding me that having children is the most important thing we can do! im sure your the best mom!
Ruth, You do know how to bring a tear to the eye. Karver is blessed to have come to your home where he is so adored and treasured. Both your quoted and created sayings are wise and wonderful. Your blog is beautifully crafted. We love you so. Mom and Dad
You and Jeremy and Karver are a threesome.... You are ONE and together, united, the Spirit of another threesome will always be with you and love will filter through all that that old world can throw at you. You are discovering the Joy promised to those who replenish the earth.
LOVE DAD -- the other one was MOM
Ruth... you made me cry!!! I am sitting here in my bed sick today and I opened up your blog and read through it with tears in my eyes. This is exactly how I feel about motherhood as well!!!!! Thank you for putting a lot of emotions into words!!!
Love you guys!!
That was such a wonderful post... thanks for making me cry today! :)
Such a cute post. Those pictures are adorable. I can't believe how big he is getting. I was sad that we didn't get to see you this last weekend- we will have to do it again sometime!
Ruth, this is such a sweet post. I may have to copy you and do a similar one on my blog.. I positively love some of these quotes! You're such a great mom! It was so fun having a "play date" the other day.. we'll have to do it again!
Nice Pictures... but not very "Christmasey." Hope you are well enough to come visit Friday -- but if not.. don't come and we will love and cherish you just as much.
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