
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The adventure begins!!!!!!

( i know this picture is sad, his drugged face, but it is more so you can see the contrast of how good he is doing now!)

The new adventure begins! The first adventure i guess you could say, was the actually two second EVENT! Now the adventure of recovery begins. We have been going through a big trial and error type of experiment day after day. We are trying to figure the best way to move him without hurting him, and of course how to keep a 2 year old imobile fire cracker entertained.

We are taking a day at a time (not so easy for my because I am for sure a PLANNER!) Each day is different somedays he seems to be in more pain than others. Sometimes I feel so sad that he has to go through this, then i walk in the room and he gives me this smile!! It warms my heart!

Karver has always loved being outside! he is not one to sit and do nothing! It has been hard! Jeremy, the most wonderful man alive, thought he would help karver do this one thing he loves most! Enjoy the outdoors. So Jeremy rigged up this little contraption!

Materials used:

**1 red Wagon with BIG wheels so as to not tip over! (bought by Grandma and Grandpa Crozier..... THANK SO MUCH)

**1 car seat made specially for those in a Spica Cast (Got it for a $50 down payment at a local hospital! Again thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Crozier for picking it up for us.)

**2 pieces of wood to keep it in place

**1 tie down rope to tighten the car seat in place to calm a paranoid mothers mind!

**1 AMAZING man to put it together for you

**1 Wonderful boy in a spica cast (spica cast optional!)

This is Karver LOVING every minute he was able to enjoy out side in his contraption! he didnt stay out long for fear of him getting sweaty in the cast, causing a rash!
Another one of Karvers favorite activities Pre-cast was to roll cars down this ramp. Since he cant sit on the ground we (meaning Grandpa Art) set up a seat for Karver and rigged the ramp up. He LOVED IT!! as you can see in the next picture he is LOVING IT!! These smiles help me soo much!!

This is a video of Karver on his FIRST wagon ride, even before the outside one. He is just chillin as we ride him around the house. Then he decided he needed his toys and a treat with him. I dont know if he thought we were going a long distance or what, but whatever makes him happy!

more special thanks to

Mikey- Thanks for going to Pharmacy school and being SOO HELPFUL! Also thanks for calling that woman in your ward and getting some tips and advice! We have used it all! It has been a world of help!

Jeremy- Thanks for being patient with me. Working so hard. Being so AMAZING and making karver's Wagon

Grandma and Grandpa Huot- Thank you SOOOOO OO much for allowing us to move in for bit and sleeping in your bed, eating your food, and for helping us with Karver.

Grandma Crozier- thanks for coming and helping me with Karver.

Everybody- Thanks for searching so hard for a bean bag chair and helping us out in SOO MANY WAYS!! Mostly thank you for the prayers.


Bonnie Hynes said...

YAY!! you guys are amazing. I am so glad life is a bit easier now..still hard though, I'm sure. A bean bag--what a great idea! Love you guys, thanks for the updates, we are always thinking of you.

Wilson Winners said...

Thank you for the update. I was so curious/nervous/concerned and it was such a relief to see how well you are all acclimating. You have an amazing little family (soon to be bigger) and I love how much you guys just enjoy being together. Its so sweet I could just throw up. :) Seriously though you guys are awesome. Carver is about the cutest thing I have ever seen.

luv ya Ruth!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are one amazing mom! It looks like Karver is being pampered in his wagon with his treats. I can't imagine how hard that would be, I started bawling when they had to keep re-poking Marley for her shots last month. Karver is such a brave boy, I can't believe that huge smile he's wearing! He is one special, not to mention absolutely adorable, little boy!

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

Amazing! Your hubby is so clever and Karver is looking better and better. We love you.

Camie and Beau said...

Wow! You are amazing! How long does he have to wear the cast? Poor little guy! How far are you Ruth? When is your due date? Love your guts!